We are excited to help you and your employees.
Now you can offer an employee benefit that is no cost to your company and has a great deal of benefit and value for your team.
Traditional vision benefits are great, but the benefit of having Sight On Site come to your office is even greater. Some employers do not pay for traditional vision insurance and instead have us come once per quarter or twice per year.
Consider these statistics posted by Zenefits.com.
Impact on the bottom line
A recent study conducted by the HCMS Group found that employers offering stand-alone vision benefits saved $5.8 billion over four years. These cost savings were due entirely to the preventative nature of vision work. The study found that by carrying out regular, non-invasive eye exams, optometrists identified early signs of chronic diseases that might otherwise have gone unnoticed. The bottom line is astonishing:
* 34 percent of new diabetes cases were first identified through a routine eye exam, saving $28,111 per 1,000 employees over four years.
* 39 percent of new high blood pressure cases were first identified through a routine eye exam, saving $34,617 per 1,000 employees over four years.
* 63 percent of new high cholesterol cases were identified through a routine eye exam, saving $33,728 per 1,000 employees over four years.
In total, the study found that for every dollar a company invests in vision benefits, it receives $1.45 through lower healthcare costs, improved productivity and lower turnover rates.
Your company will get this benefit for no investment cost outside of time to allow your team to see us. Traditionally when an employee goes to the Eye Doctor during the work day, they are gone an average of 4 hours, sometimes they take the whole day off. You’ll save this loss of production time when they never have to leave your building.